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1-007 Recorded Webinar 
Demonstrating Commitment To Te Tiriti O Waitangi Partnership
Duration: Approx. 65 mins
Teachers seek to practice in ways that authentically reflect their commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi as required by the Standards for the Teaching profession. However, it is often challenging to find and access the support they need to do this well. 

We have gathered together three experienced teachers and leaders to share their insights and knowledge with us about how they enact their teaching roles in ways that reflect the foundational position of Te Tiriti. They will share their views on what Tiriti-based practice looks like and what they see as some of the barriers facing teachers in the quest for deeper understanding.

The panelists will also share their perspectives on how teachers can progress their journeys towards authentic and comprehensive Tiriti- based practice.

Having a commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi is the first teaching standard in the New Zealand Standards for the teaching profession. It underpins the foundations of our code and responsibilities as teachers. YET this is frequently the most misunderstood and poorly implemented part of ECE teacher practice.

  • Do you want to gain clarity around your responsibilities as a Certificated Teacher with regards to demonstrating your commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi Partnership?
  • Are you unsure what this looks like in daily practice?
  • Where do you start and how can you improve this in your own practice and in your ECE service?

This purchase is for the recording only of Bridgit Williams and our panel of experienced ECE professionals who will discuss their own practice in relation to this standard, and share how they strongly demonstrate a commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and work in partnership with whanau, hapu and iwi every day.

Roye Frankland
is an experienced kaiako at Te Kōhanga Reo o Hineteiwaiwa, Te Whare Wānanga o Tāmaki (Auckland University). She is also active as a kaiako Kura Rātapu (Sunday School) for Te Mīhana Māori o Tāmaki Makaurau.

Emma Parangi is an experienced Kaiako and curriculum leader. She is currently Centre Manager at Our Kids Early Learning Centres.

Hana-Jane Conlon is currently relieving, prioritizing time to support her whanau. Until recently she was working as a curriculum leader, mentor and manager at Apple Tree and was also a mentor contracted by the Teaching Council during 2018/19.
Presented by Bridgit Williams
who was joined by Hana-Jane Conlon (Ngāpuhi), Emma Parangi (Ngāpuhi) and Roye Frankland.
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Learn more with Bridgit Williams

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About the Webinar Presenter

Bridgit Williams 
MProfStud(Ed); BA (Ed); DipTchgECE; PGDip Montessori 

Bridgit has been a professional learning facilitator and mentor since 2008, previously with EC Professional Support at the University of Auckland. She believes effective leadership and ongoing professional learning are key to improving quality in early childhood education.
Bridgit completed her Masters degree in early 2015, looking specifically at the induction and mentoring of ECE teachers. Her professional interests include effective leadership and communication, inclusive teaching practice, intentional teaching and implementing authentic curriculum.

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